Knife Crime, Celebrities Should Set Example

Paul-Hayden and the British Rat Pack guys stepped up to the soap box again demanding that the music industry and stars should campaign against knife carriers. Performing artists should set examples letting knife carriers know they have and deserve no respect what so ever.

The majority of children and youths today are a real pleasure, lovingly contributing to our home lives, schools and the community as a whole. It can truly be said that they have gained without asking or demanding a great deal of Respect from their piers, friends and society.

However a very small minority of misfits carry knives and in doing so create such unimaginable misery and bad press for the youth of today. Respect is a word that these seemingly easily led kids simply don’t understand the meaning of and most certainly are unworthy of while carrying knives. Unfortunately they are totally misguided by some artists and record companies in the pop culture that should know better.

It is most sad that some music videos glamourise violence, threatening in your face behaviour and the carrying of weapons. We Respect people who stand on their own two feet and walk away from and report these mindless individuals to the police authorities. They seem to have no respect for anyone so how in gods name do they think anyone is going to show any respect to them.

While the Government is making promise of tougher prison sentences for offenders The British Rat Pack made a further analogy. In this tough economic climate with prisons packed to the full. We are in disbelief that the state still send good honest people to prison because they can’t financially survive or afford their council tax. Surely there must be a way of applying community service to cover taxation costs while keeping criminals behind bars until they have paid their sentence in society rather than letting them out early to simply to create space for the poor with financial problems.