The British Rat Pack at Parliament

Paul Hayden exclaims “Why we can never be wrong”!

International Artist Paul-Hayden and his British Rat Pack took time out and stood on the Soap Box outside Parliament while spectators, politicians and paparazzi gathered around.

Among comments on humanity and respect to all cultures they exclaimed “Why we can never be wrong”.

At that time Paul caught a glimpse of Nigel Lawson in the crowd. “It’s good that we can make such honest statements in this great country of ours. Its faults that need addressing, without being vocally loud or more importantly arrested”!  Paul was referring to crime and homelessness in the UK as well as other places war torn and with famine around the world.

Paul who had just breezed in fresh from a solo performance overseas added, “Our much needed action was concise and carried out in a most gentlemanly manner. A perfect way of raising issues in a British society”.

The British Rat Pack continue taking the lead with a twenty first century passion in music as a whole.

The action was caught by PR Corporate Entertainment Photographer Gill Taylor .